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Ponte Morado - Les teves xuxes de sempre a Palma de Mallorca

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Les teves xuxes de sempre ara molt a prop teu...

Tenim una gran varietat de xuxes al detall, + de 300 diferents, Fruits Secs, Patates, Xocolates, Bombons, Pastissos de Xuxes, Taules de Dolços, Regals de Casaments, Comunió i Bateig, Cosetes de dolços per Sant Valentí, Pasqua, etc ... Nosaltres et posem els dolços i tu només has de seguir gaudint del dia !!

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Ponte Morado
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[] { "reviews": { "reviews": [ { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "mephisto sub", "comment": "La empleada Josefina me atendió de manera amable y además me recomendó una chuches que estuvieron super ricas, cada vez que voy al cine paso por la tienda a comprar algo, y aparte de eso, siempre ayuda a las mamás que vienen con nenes y tienen intolerancia al gluten, 10/10\n\n(Translated by Google)\nThe employee Josefina treated me kindly and also recommended some sweets that were super delicious. Every time I go to the movies I stop by the store to buy something, and apart from that, she always helps the mothers who come with children and have intolerance. gluten-free, 10/10", "date": 1717750761518 }, { "rating": 1, "profileImage": "", "name": "Yasmi Vinas", "comment": "mal servicio, la chica de gafas poca educación con los clientes y mira no pongo más porque me pareció muy fuerte lo que viví con esta señorita si se puede llamar así, volveré para ponerle una reclamación.\nSi está amargada que estudie y se dedique a otra cosa, es una tienda de chuches y siempre va haber niños, que de gracias que le pague.\n\n(Translated by Google)\nBad service, the girl with glasses was not very polite with the clients and look, I won't add more because what I experienced with this lady seemed very harsh to me, if you can call it that, I will return to file a complaint.\nIf she is bitter, let her study and dedicate herself to something else, it is a candy store and there will always be children, so thank you for paying her.", "date": 1712996014146 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Daniel Offerrall", "comment": "", "date": 1706278744641 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Marc torrecilla vidal", "comment": "", "date": 1705430030024 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Kali Katze", "comment": "", "date": 1699282235609 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Mark Abarca Adrio", "comment": "Tienen una gran variedad de chuches, se nota que reponen a menudo porque están perfectas, nada duras ni rancias.\n\nSale mucho mejor que comprarlas en el cine o en cualquier otro lado, tanto por precio como por calidad. Y las trabajadoras son muy amables.\n\n(Translated by Google)\nThey have a wide variety of sweets, it shows that they restock often because they are perfect, not at all hard or stale.\n\nIt is much better than buying them at the cinema or anywhere else, both for price and quality. And the workers are very friendly.", "date": 1697382276359 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Francisca Vallcaneras Nebot", "comment": "", "date": 1691216718002 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Lu R.", "comment": "Excelente servicio, volveré a comprar de nuevo pronto.\nY el servicio a domicilio rápido y eficaz.\n\n(Translated by Google)\nExcellent service, I will buy again soon.\nAnd fast and efficient home service.", "date": 1691148207419 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Romina Pacheco", "comment": "Muy buen servicio! Hice un pedido por internet para un cumple y la verdad quedé encantada con ellos, el trato al cliente un 10! Sólo puedo decir gracias!!!\n\n(Translated by Google)\nVery good service! I placed an order online for a birthday and I was truly delighted with them, the customer service was a 10! I can only say thank you!!!", "date": 1691092967939 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Mr power F", "comment": "Genial!!!Fui a buscar unas chuches para 1 cumpleaños y me atendieron super bien,la chica me preparó unas bolsitas a mi gusto que han quedado de maravilla,y a 1 precio muy razonable.aproveché también para llevarme unos caramelos que hacia tiempo que no comía para mi.Gracias por endulzarme la tarde y que alegría transmiten las chicas\n\n(Translated by Google)\nGreat!!! I went to look for some sweets for my 1st birthday and they treated me very well, the girl prepared me some bags to my liking that turned out wonderfully, and at a very reasonable price. I also took the opportunity to take some candies that I hadn't had in a while ate for me. Thank you for sweetening my afternoon and what joy the girls transmit", "date": 1687016103867 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Dolores Dc", "comment": "Servicio de 10! Todo a tiempo y precioso!\n\n(Translated by Google)\nService of 10! Everything on time and beautiful!", "date": 1686423502243 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Angel ultra xd", "comment": "Buena comunicación i las chuches muy buenas\n\n(Translated by Google)\nGood communication and very good sweets", "date": 1683726834210 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Pablo Tanco", "comment": "Me mudé hace poco a la zona y encantado con la tienda y con josefina y Carmen, son dos amores <3\n\n(Translated by Google)\nI recently moved to the area and I am delighted with the store and with Josefina and Carmen, they are two loves <3", "date": 1683453431766 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Anonim0.25", "comment": "Es una tienda increíble!! El trato buenísimo muy cercano y familiar!! Tiene trabajadores muy apañados que te ayudan y resuelven cualquier duda!\nAdemás ahora con estos tiempos han puesto servicio a domicilio que para los que no queremos o podemos salir va muy bien!! Tienen los mejores precios de chuches y gran variedad! Te traen absolutamente todo lo que pides y si no hubiera algo en stock te informan antes de hacerte el cobro.\nLa recomiendo muchísimo y eso que soy una persona exigente para poner alguna reseña pero es que estoy encantada 🤩.\nSeguir así chic@s!! Muchos ánimos y que sigáis abiertos aunque hayan restricciones así podremos seguir endulzando nuestras vidas 😜\n\n(Translated by Google)\nIt is an incredible store!! The very good treatment, very close and familiar!! It has very skilled workers who help you and resolve any questions!\nAlso now with these times they have offered home delivery service which for those of us who don't want to or can't go out is going very well!! They have the best prices on sweets and great variety! They bring you absolutely everything you order and if something is not in stock they inform you before charging you.\nI highly recommend it and I am a demanding person when it comes to putting a review but I am delighted 🤩.\nKeep it up guys!! Good luck and please stay open even if there are restrictions so we can continue sweetening our lives 😜", "date": 1611132566708 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Mike Ramis", "comment": "Sitio de referencia en Mallorca para encargar piñatas,se encargan de todo , servicio muy atento y profesional\n\n(Translated by Google)\nReference site in Mallorca to order piñatas, they take care of everything, very attentive and professional service", "date": 1674226028482 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Alicia Martin Ochoa", "comment": "", "date": 1673452496696 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Jose B", "comment": "Sin lugar, a duda, la mejor tienda de chucherías de todo Palma de Mallorca y encima un precio increíble\n\n(Translated by Google)\nWithout a doubt, the best candy store in all of Palma de Mallorca and an incredible price on top of that.", "date": 1670337594318 }, { "rating": 4, "profileImage": "", "name": "Carola Turmo P", "comment": "Sin lugar a duda sitio de referencia y preferencia para comprar chuches,chocolate y patatillas de esas que comíamos cuando éramos pequeños,\n\n(Translated by Google)\nWithout a doubt a reference and preference site to buy sweets, chocolate and chips of those that we ate when we were little,", "date": 1666899012622 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Aida Alcazar Gonzalez", "comment": "Son súper amables y muy pero que muy limpios y ordenados, profesionales al máximo, un lugar que 100% recomiendo😃\n\n(Translated by Google)\nThey are super friendly and very, very clean and tidy, professional to the max, a place that I 100% recommend😃", "date": 1666894981959 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Jaume Company", "comment": "Sitio por excelencia para ir antes del cine para coger chucherias y refrescos.\nLos dependientes son muy simpaticos y trabajan para que no falte nada en la tienda.\nUna pena que les obliguen a llevar un uniforme tan horrible.\n\n(Translated by Google)\nPlace par excellence to go before the cinema to grab sweets and soft drinks.\nThe clerks are very friendly and work to ensure that nothing is missing in the store.\nIt's a shame they are forced to wear such a horrible uniform.", "date": 1664883013200 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "David y Natalia", "comment": "Pasamos por ahí el jueves ya que quisimos aprovechar la oferta de cena + cine por 9,50 en Ocimax, a pesar de imaginarlo lo quisimos comprobar y, como era de esperar, el precio de las chuches al lado de las taquillas del cine no tiene nada que ver con el de este local. Mientras en el cine el precio de todas las chuches ronda los 2€/100g, en esta tienda podrás encontrar la mayoría a mitad de precio ya que verás una tabla en la que diferencian el producto en 4 grupos según su valor. Un detallazo. 🤩\n\nPor no hablar de la variedad, es un local pequeño pero hasta arriba de chuches, lo que hace casi inevitable llenar tu bolsa. ​🍭​🍬​\n\nVolveríamos en cuanto pudiéramos, pero aún nos quedan chuches en casa. 🤤​\n\n(Translated by Google)\nWe passed by there on Thursday as we wanted to take advantage of the dinner + movie offer for 9.50 at Ocimax, despite imagining it we wanted to check it out and, as expected, the price of the sweets next to the cinema box office does not have nothing to do with this place. While at the cinema the price of all sweets is around €2/100g, in this store you can find most of them at half the price since you will see a table in which they differentiate the product into 4 groups according to their value. A detail. 🤩\n\nNot to mention the variety, it is a small place but full of sweets, which makes it almost inevitable to fill your bag. ​🍭​🍬​\n\nWe would return as soon as we could, but we still have sweets at home. 🤤​", "date": 1663343636661 }, { "rating": 3, "profileImage": "", "name": "Miguel Ángel “miky” Pons", "comment": "", "date": 1663311781114 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Mónica Monserrat Isern", "comment": "", "date": 1662290794494 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Laura Quesada Monserrat", "comment": "", "date": 1662290380182 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "smai med walid", "comment": "", "date": 1661888567023 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Juan F D", "comment": "Muy buenos precios, gran cantidad y variedad. 100% recomendable ✅ y obligatòrio si vas al cine!!!\n\n(Translated by Google)\nVery good prices, large quantity and variety. 100% recommended ✅ and mandatory if you go to the movies!!!", "date": 1661867801826 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "laura arzak Espi", "comment": "Un sitio fantástico. La entrega rapidísima.Sere cliente habitual. Así da gusto.\n\n(Translated by Google)\nA fantastic site. Very fast delivery. I will be a regular customer. That's how it feels good.", "date": 1661780808446 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Kelly Ben Hamed", "comment": "\nDe passage avant notre retour en France.\nTrès grands choix de bonbons, vraiment pas chers !\nPatron hyper sympa !!!!", "date": 1660834610390 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Cristina Gallego García", "comment": "Me ha salvado el cumple !! Me olvide de las chuches para un cumple importante !!\nY tan chan!! Me lo soluciono todo !!!!! Muchas gracias! Era un crack 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳! Vivan las chuches 🍭\n\n(Translated by Google)\nIt saved my birthday!! I forgot about sweets for an important birthday!!\nAnd so chan!! I solved everything!!!!! Thank you so much! He was a crack 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳! Long live the sweets 🍭", "date": 1660320960649 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "MarcosySonia Arales", "comment": "Una tienda genial, puedes encargar las chuches, el precio es muy adecuado respecto a otras tiendas, solo tengo buenas cosas qué decir de dicho establecimiento\n\n(Translated by Google)\nA great store, you can order the sweets, the price is very reasonable compared to other stores, I only have good things to say about this establishment", "date": 1659705184880 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Llayza V", "comment": "Alguna vez he ido ya que en la zona de chucherías de ocimax te pegan un palo grande por comprar patatillas y chucherías, sino recuerdo mal una bolsa de patatillas y una bebida 9€... Deberían regular los precios de las tiendas interiores por mucho que sean centro comercial , porque sino la gente acude a las tiendas de toda la vida.\n\n(Translated by Google)\nI have been there before because in the Ocimax sweets area they give you a big beating for buying chips and sweets, otherwise I remember wrongly a bag of chips and a drink for €9... They should regulate the prices of the interior stores no matter how much they be a shopping center, because otherwise people go to the usual stores.", "date": 1657540636107 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Carlos Morote", "comment": "muy amable y baratisimo, una maravilla\n\n(Translated by Google)\nvery friendly and very cheap, wonderful", "date": 1657293973805 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Maribel Alba", "comment": "🙋Estoy muy contenta con el resultado, son muy profesionales, repetiré otra vez!!!!😋\n\n(Translated by Google)\n🙋I am very happy with the result, they are very professional, I will repeat again!!!!😋", "date": 1657119661254 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Pablo Ruiz", "comment": "Muy amables y dispuestos a ayudarte en tienda y más aun al llevartelo a domicilio. Sin duda alguna volveré a comprar!!\n\n(Translated by Google)\nVery friendly and willing to help you in the store and even more so when delivering it to your home. Without a doubt I will buy again!!", "date": 1652369365255 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "ELIZALDE GARCIA", "comment": "", "date": 1648737009506 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Mikaela Marsh", "comment": "Me recomendaron Ponte Morado para la piñata del cumpleaños de mi hija, sin duda fue un acierto total. Han hecho una piñata de unicornio preciosa, hecha a mano y se han fijado en cada detalle. El precio es razonable y te dan un buen asesoramiento para rellenarla con sus bolsas de chuches y juguetes. Muchas gracias, segurísimo que repetiremos.\n\n(Translated by Google)\nThey recommended Ponte Morado for my daughter's birthday piñata, without a doubt it was a total success. They have made a beautiful, handmade unicorn piñata and have paid attention to every detail. The price is reasonable and they give you good advice on filling it with their bags of candy and toys. Thank you very much, we will surely repeat.", "date": 1648711075313 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "luiisclarr_05", "comment": "Muy amables, me solucionaron algunos problemillas en la misma mañana. Sin duda visitaré otra vez esta tienda. Muchas Gracias!!!\n\n(Translated by Google)\nVery friendly, they solved some problems for me the same morning. I will definitely visit this store again. Thank you so much!!!", "date": 1647951136588 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Carlos Salazar", "comment": "", "date": 1642873008577 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Melani Fernandez", "comment": "", "date": 1641444989501 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Miquel Deyà", "comment": "Trato exquisito. La mejor tienda de chucherias de Mallorca. Todo perfecto!\n\n(Translated by Google)\nExquisite treatment. The best candy store in Mallorca. All perfect!", "date": 1641149576361 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Carla Busquets Cortés", "comment": "Como siempre, trato y servicio excelente, tanto en tienda como a través de la WEB. Catálogo online y presencial muy surtido, hice un pedido grade por la web y llegó muy rápido, en perfectas condiciones. Clientes habituales, siempre repetimos!\n\n(Translated by Google)\nAs always, excellent treatment and service, both in store and through the WEB. Very stocked online and in-person catalog, I placed a large order online and it arrived very quickly, in perfect condition. Regular customers, we always repeat!", "date": 1635270967437 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "ShinKarasu", "comment": "", "date": 1634126893662 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Rosa Chg", "comment": "Chuches buenas y baratas\n\n(Translated by Google)\nGood and cheap candy", "date": 1630172254773 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Jordi Fuster", "comment": "", "date": 1628757574208 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Cdoreno", "comment": "", "date": 1627577920130 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Ana Garcia", "comment": "Aquí siempre compramos las chuches para el cine y esta muy bien aunq algo carillo algunas cosas\n\n(Translated by Google)\nHere we always buy candy for the movies and it is very good although some things are a bit pricey.", "date": 1627328297783 }, { "rating": 4, "profileImage": "", "name": "Agus Margañon", "comment": "", "date": 1627295180357 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Lorena Reolid", "comment": "", "date": 1626428576518 }, { "rating": 4, "profileImage": "", "name": "Pedro Terrades", "comment": "", "date": 1626010742128 }, { "rating": 5, "profileImage": "", "name": "Eva Rivas Castell", "comment": "", "date": 1618772512034 } ] } }

¡Ellos ya han elegido a pontemorado como su tienda de chuches favorita!

4,7 de
Valoraciones de clientes
¿Qué opinan nuestros clientes?
Compruébalo tu mismo
mephisto sub

mephisto sub

La empleada Josefina me atendió de manera amable y además me recomendó una chuches que estuvieron super ricas, cada vez que voy al cine paso por la tienda a comprar algo, y aparte de eso, siempre ayuda a las mamás que vienen con nenes y tienen intolerancia al gluten, 10/10 (Translated by Google) The employee Josefina treated me kindly and also recommended some sweets that were super delicious. Every time I go to the movies I stop by the store to buy something, and apart from that, she always helps the mothers who come with children and have intolerance. gluten-free, 10/10

Daniel Offerrall

Daniel Offerrall

Marc torrecilla vidal

Marc torrecilla vidal

Kali Katze

Kali Katze

Mark Abarca Adrio

Mark Abarca Adrio

Tienen una gran variedad de chuches, se nota que reponen a menudo porque están perfectas, nada duras ni rancias. Sale mucho mejor que comprarlas en el cine o en cualquier otro lado, tanto por precio como por calidad. Y las trabajadoras son muy amables. (Translated by Google) They have a wide variety of sweets, it shows that they restock often because they are perfect, not at all hard or stale. It is much better than buying them at the cinema or anywhere else, both for price and quality. And the workers are very friendly.

Francisca Vallcaneras Nebot

Francisca Vallcaneras Nebot

Lu R.

Lu R.

Excelente servicio, volveré a comprar de nuevo pronto. Y el servicio a domicilio rápido y eficaz. (Translated by Google) Excellent service, I will buy again soon. And fast and efficient home service.

Romina Pacheco

Romina Pacheco

Muy buen servicio! Hice un pedido por internet para un cumple y la verdad quedé encantada con ellos, el trato al cliente un 10! Sólo puedo decir gracias!!! (Translated by Google) Very good service! I placed an order online for a birthday and I was truly delighted with them, the customer service was a 10! I can only say thank you!!!

Mr power F

Mr power F

Genial!!!Fui a buscar unas chuches para 1 cumpleaños y me atendieron super bien,la chica me preparó unas bolsitas a mi gusto que han quedado de maravilla,y a 1 precio muy razonable.aproveché también para llevarme unos caramelos que hacia tiempo que no comía para mi.Gracias por endulzarme la tarde y que alegría transmiten las chicas (Translated by Google) Great!!! I went to look for some sweets for my 1st birthday and they treated me very well, the girl prepared me some bags to my liking that turned out wonderfully, and at a very reasonable price. I also took the opportunity to take some candies that I hadn't had in a while ate for me. Thank you for sweetening my afternoon and what joy the girls transmit

Dolores Dc

Dolores Dc

Servicio de 10! Todo a tiempo y precioso! (Translated by Google) Service of 10! Everything on time and beautiful!

Angel ultra xd

Angel ultra xd

Buena comunicación i las chuches muy buenas (Translated by Google) Good communication and very good sweets

Pablo Tanco

Pablo Tanco

Me mudé hace poco a la zona y encantado con la tienda y con josefina y Carmen, son dos amores <3 (Translated by Google) I recently moved to the area and I am delighted with the store and with Josefina and Carmen, they are two loves <3



Es una tienda increíble!! El trato buenísimo muy cercano y familiar!! Tiene trabajadores muy apañados que te ayudan y resuelven cualquier duda! Además ahora con estos tiempos han puesto servicio a domicilio que para los que no queremos o podemos salir va muy bien!! Tienen los mejores precios de chuches y gran variedad! Te traen absolutamente todo lo que pides y si no hubiera algo en stock te informan antes de hacerte el cobro. La recomiendo muchísimo y eso que soy una persona exigente para poner alguna reseña pero es que estoy encantada 🤩. Seguir así chic@s!! Muchos ánimos y que sigáis abiertos aunque hayan restricciones así podremos seguir endulzando nuestras vidas 😜 (Translated by Google) It is an incredible store!! The very good treatment, very close and familiar!! It has very skilled workers who help you and resolve any questions! Also now with these times they have offered home delivery service which for those of us who don't want to or can't go out is going very well!! They have the best prices on sweets and great variety! They bring you absolutely everything you order and if something is not in stock they inform you before charging you. I highly recommend it and I am a demanding person when it comes to putting a review but I am delighted 🤩. Keep it up guys!! Good luck and please stay open even if there are restrictions so we can continue sweetening our lives 😜

Mike Ramis

Mike Ramis

Sitio de referencia en Mallorca para encargar piñatas,se encargan de todo , servicio muy atento y profesional (Translated by Google) Reference site in Mallorca to order piñatas, they take care of everything, very attentive and professional service

Alicia Martin Ochoa

Alicia Martin Ochoa

Jose B

Jose B

Sin lugar, a duda, la mejor tienda de chucherías de todo Palma de Mallorca y encima un precio increíble (Translated by Google) Without a doubt, the best candy store in all of Palma de Mallorca and an incredible price on top of that.

Carola Turmo P

Carola Turmo P

Sin lugar a duda sitio de referencia y preferencia para comprar chuches,chocolate y patatillas de esas que comíamos cuando éramos pequeños, (Translated by Google) Without a doubt a reference and preference site to buy sweets, chocolate and chips of those that we ate when we were little,

Aida Alcazar Gonzalez

Aida Alcazar Gonzalez

Son súper amables y muy pero que muy limpios y ordenados, profesionales al máximo, un lugar que 100% recomiendo😃 (Translated by Google) They are super friendly and very, very clean and tidy, professional to the max, a place that I 100% recommend😃

Jaume Company

Jaume Company

Sitio por excelencia para ir antes del cine para coger chucherias y refrescos. Los dependientes son muy simpaticos y trabajan para que no falte nada en la tienda. Una pena que les obliguen a llevar un uniforme tan horrible. (Translated by Google) Place par excellence to go before the cinema to grab sweets and soft drinks. The clerks are very friendly and work to ensure that nothing is missing in the store. It's a shame they are forced to wear such a horrible uniform.

David y Natalia

David y Natalia

Pasamos por ahí el jueves ya que quisimos aprovechar la oferta de cena + cine por 9,50 en Ocimax, a pesar de imaginarlo lo quisimos comprobar y, como era de esperar, el precio de las chuches al lado de las taquillas del cine no tiene nada que ver con el de este local. Mientras en el cine el precio de todas las chuches ronda los 2€/100g, en esta tienda podrás encontrar la mayoría a mitad de precio ya que verás una tabla en la que diferencian el producto en 4 grupos según su valor. Un detallazo. 🤩 Por no hablar de la variedad, es un local pequeño pero hasta arriba de chuches, lo que hace casi inevitable llenar tu bolsa. ​🍭​🍬​ Volveríamos en cuanto pudiéramos, pero aún nos quedan chuches en casa. 🤤​ (Translated by Google) We passed by there on Thursday as we wanted to take advantage of the dinner + movie offer for 9.50 at Ocimax, despite imagining it we wanted to check it out and, as expected, the price of the sweets next to the cinema box office does not have nothing to do with this place. While at the cinema the price of all sweets is around €2/100g, in this store you can find most of them at half the price since you will see a table in which they differentiate the product into 4 groups according to their value. A detail. 🤩 Not to mention the variety, it is a small place but full of sweets, which makes it almost inevitable to fill your bag. ​🍭​🍬​ We would return as soon as we could, but we still have sweets at home. 🤤​

Miguel Ángel “miky” Pons

Miguel Ángel “miky” Pons

Mónica Monserrat Isern

Mónica Monserrat Isern

Laura Quesada Monserrat

Laura Quesada Monserrat

smai med walid

smai med walid

Juan F D

Juan F D

Muy buenos precios, gran cantidad y variedad. 100% recomendable ✅ y obligatòrio si vas al cine!!! (Translated by Google) Very good prices, large quantity and variety. 100% recommended ✅ and mandatory if you go to the movies!!!

laura arzak Espi

laura arzak Espi

Un sitio fantástico. La entrega rapidísima.Sere cliente habitual. Así da gusto. (Translated by Google) A fantastic site. Very fast delivery. I will be a regular customer. That's how it feels good.

Kelly Ben Hamed

Kelly Ben Hamed

De passage avant notre retour en France. Très grands choix de bonbons, vraiment pas chers ! Patron hyper sympa !!!!

Cristina Gallego García

Cristina Gallego García

Me ha salvado el cumple !! Me olvide de las chuches para un cumple importante !! Y tan chan!! Me lo soluciono todo !!!!! Muchas gracias! Era un crack 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳! Vivan las chuches 🍭 (Translated by Google) It saved my birthday!! I forgot about sweets for an important birthday!! And so chan!! I solved everything!!!!! Thank you so much! He was a crack 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳! Long live the sweets 🍭

MarcosySonia Arales

MarcosySonia Arales

Una tienda genial, puedes encargar las chuches, el precio es muy adecuado respecto a otras tiendas, solo tengo buenas cosas qué decir de dicho establecimiento (Translated by Google) A great store, you can order the sweets, the price is very reasonable compared to other stores, I only have good things to say about this establishment

Llayza V

Llayza V

Alguna vez he ido ya que en la zona de chucherías de ocimax te pegan un palo grande por comprar patatillas y chucherías, sino recuerdo mal una bolsa de patatillas y una bebida 9€... Deberían regular los precios de las tiendas interiores por mucho que sean centro comercial , porque sino la gente acude a las tiendas de toda la vida. (Translated by Google) I have been there before because in the Ocimax sweets area they give you a big beating for buying chips and sweets, otherwise I remember wrongly a bag of chips and a drink for €9... They should regulate the prices of the interior stores no matter how much they be a shopping center, because otherwise people go to the usual stores.

Carlos Morote

Carlos Morote

muy amable y baratisimo, una maravilla (Translated by Google) very friendly and very cheap, wonderful

Maribel Alba

Maribel Alba

🙋Estoy muy contenta con el resultado, son muy profesionales, repetiré otra vez!!!!😋 (Translated by Google) 🙋I am very happy with the result, they are very professional, I will repeat again!!!!😋

Pablo Ruiz

Pablo Ruiz

Muy amables y dispuestos a ayudarte en tienda y más aun al llevartelo a domicilio. Sin duda alguna volveré a comprar!! (Translated by Google) Very friendly and willing to help you in the store and even more so when delivering it to your home. Without a doubt I will buy again!!



Mikaela Marsh

Mikaela Marsh

Me recomendaron Ponte Morado para la piñata del cumpleaños de mi hija, sin duda fue un acierto total. Han hecho una piñata de unicornio preciosa, hecha a mano y se han fijado en cada detalle. El precio es razonable y te dan un buen asesoramiento para rellenarla con sus bolsas de chuches y juguetes. Muchas gracias, segurísimo que repetiremos. (Translated by Google) They recommended Ponte Morado for my daughter's birthday piñata, without a doubt it was a total success. They have made a beautiful, handmade unicorn piñata and have paid attention to every detail. The price is reasonable and they give you good advice on filling it with their bags of candy and toys. Thank you very much, we will surely repeat.



Muy amables, me solucionaron algunos problemillas en la misma mañana. Sin duda visitaré otra vez esta tienda. Muchas Gracias!!! (Translated by Google) Very friendly, they solved some problems for me the same morning. I will definitely visit this store again. Thank you so much!!!

Carlos Salazar

Carlos Salazar

Melani Fernandez

Melani Fernandez

Miquel Deyà

Miquel Deyà

Trato exquisito. La mejor tienda de chucherias de Mallorca. Todo perfecto! (Translated by Google) Exquisite treatment. The best candy store in Mallorca. All perfect!

Carla Busquets Cortés

Carla Busquets Cortés

Como siempre, trato y servicio excelente, tanto en tienda como a través de la WEB. Catálogo online y presencial muy surtido, hice un pedido grade por la web y llegó muy rápido, en perfectas condiciones. Clientes habituales, siempre repetimos! (Translated by Google) As always, excellent treatment and service, both in store and through the WEB. Very stocked online and in-person catalog, I placed a large order online and it arrived very quickly, in perfect condition. Regular customers, we always repeat!



Rosa Chg

Rosa Chg

Chuches buenas y baratas (Translated by Google) Good and cheap candy

Jordi Fuster

Jordi Fuster



Ana Garcia

Ana Garcia

Aquí siempre compramos las chuches para el cine y esta muy bien aunq algo carillo algunas cosas (Translated by Google) Here we always buy candy for the movies and it is very good although some things are a bit pricey.

Agus Margañon

Agus Margañon

Lorena Reolid

Lorena Reolid

Pedro Terrades

Pedro Terrades

Eva Rivas Castell

Eva Rivas Castell

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